In their publication Furen, Louise and Yann investigate the forms of adaptation that wildness will develop to overcome the control that an “automated wildness” imposes on them.

Examining the ethical questions that occur when relying on algorithmic decision-making to manage ecosystems, they want to understand how machines decide what a “valued” life is.
They want to raise awareness of who decides for other non-human life forms and the lack of negotiation that will emerge when algorithmic conservation takes all the decisions without human feedback.


By Furen Dai, Louisa Nyman, Yann Martins

Published by Edizione Multicolore

ISBN 978-3-948304-13-3

Edition: 25

Size: 29.7 x 42cm

Risograph print on Sirio Ultra Black 280 gr. paper

Print: Genossenschaft Drucksalon

Order through Edizione Multicolore



July 25, 2021, HALLE 14, Leipzig, Germany

The starting point of the group exhibition curated by Fine Bieler and Dana Lorenz are seven newly published artist books. In the simultaneous book presentation and exhibition "#6", the participating artists allow their artworks to enter into a dialogue with their self-published books. The association Edizione Multicolore is a platform for self-determined exhibiting and publishing, as well as a space for equal and processual cooperation between artists and the association.